February 2024 Decision statement 
November 2023 
Referendum Information 
Results of referendum here 
The question asked in the Referendum was: 
'Do you want Milton Keynes City Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Emberton to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?' 
The Referendum area is identified on the map within the Information Statement which is available below. This is the same as the designated Neighbourhood Plan area for Emberton. 
Specified documents 
A number of "specified documents" have to be published for the Referendum. These provide information about the Emberton Neighbourhood Plan and the planning system in general. 
The specified documents can be viewed below: 
A copy of the Emberton Neighbourhood Plan 
A statement providing specific information about the Referendum including a map of the Neighbourhood Plan area 
A statement that sets out general information about Town and Country Planning including neighbourhood planning and the referendum (information for voters) 
The report of the Independent Examiner on the Neighbourhood Plan 
A summary of the Regulation 16 responses to the submitted Neighbourhood Plan 
A statement by Milton Keynes City Council that the Emberton Neighbourhood Plan meets the Basic Conditions and complies with the relevant legislation 
September 2023 
Following the receipt of the Examiner's report on the Emberton Neighbourhood Plan, Milton Keynes City Council has considered and accepted all of the Examiner's recommendations. 
Milton Keynes City Council's Decision on Examiner's Report 
Examiner's report 
Examiner’s report on the Emberton Neighbourhood Plan 
JULY 2023 
Emberton Parish Council resubmitted the Emberton Neighbourhood Plan to Milton Keynes City Council on 27 April 2023. The Consultation Statement and Assessment of Potential Housing Sites has been corrected to reference the issues and concerns raised by Francis Jackson Homes Ltd. 
In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Milton Keynes City Council is now publicising the submitted Neighbourhood Plan and its accompanying documents for six weeks from Tuesday 9 May 2023 to 5pm on Tuesday 20 June 2023 
Publicity Summary statement can be found here 
Neighbourhood Plan can be found here 
Basic Conditions Statement can be found here 
Consultation Statement can be found here 
Assessment of Potential Housing Sites can be found here 
Housing Needs Assessment - A copy of the Housing Needs Assessment can be found here 



NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN STEERING GROUP (A SUB COMMITTEE OF EMBERTON PARISH COUNCIL)   COMMITTEE MEMBERS  Jason Bevan (Chairman) Fred Markland (Vice Chairman) Melanie Duncan Colin Jamieson Virginia Tierney Harry White   The public are permitted to attend and should you wish to do so, please contact the clerk  

5th Jan 2021 Agenda - Minutes 
19th Jan 2021 Agenda - Minutes 
1st April 2021 Agenda - Minutes 
24th May 2021 Agenda - Minutes 
17th August 2021 Agenda - Minutes 
26th October 2021 Agenda - Minutes 
30th November 2021 Agenda - Minutes 
31st January 2022 Agenda - Minutes 
5th July 2022 Agenda - Minutes 
4th October 2022 Agenda - Minutes