All Saints' Church Emberton 
The LAMP Group of Parishes 
Emberton, Filgrave, Tyringham, Little Linford and Haversham 
Church of All Saints, Emberton 
Connecting people with Jesus Christ and each other 
A Prayer for All Saints’ Church 
Heavenly Father, please help us at All Saints to better serve our community and bring your message to everyone in a way that glorifies you and enhances the lives of those we touch. Amen. 
THE RECTOR'S PAGE (and sometimes the Curate's) 
As I write this there is a dusting of snow on the ground left from the unexpected November snowfall and Storm Bert is set to head our way. By the time you read this we will all know what damage, if any, Storm Bert has left behind, and we may well be enjoying some unseasonal sunshine, or further snow, wind, or heavy rain. It is said that the British do like to talk about the weather, so I guess that these last few weeks have given us plenty of conversation topics for those 'uneasy' moments during the party season that is upon us. 
Some love parties, some loathe them, but whichever camp you may fall into (or somewhere in between), we are made to feel that we should be enjoying the festive season, whether we are or not. There are many reasons and circumstances why any one person or family may not be looking forward to Christmas this year. This is hardly surprising with increased financial pressures on many families, and the instability of our world where there is no sign of an end to the wars in either Ukraine or the Middle East. 
Whether you're eagerly looking forward to Christmas, or you feel more like the character Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol, the true meaning of Christmas will always hold: God came into this world so that a light may shine out of the darkness. At the very heart of Christmas is the Chist Child. God came in human flesh in the body of Jesus Christ to live among us and to bring us love, peace, hope, and joy forever. When you hear children's voices singing the familiar words of 'Away in a Manger', may I invite you to make the worlds of the last verse your own: 'Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask thee to stay close by me for ever, and love me, I pray.'  
May God's peace, joy, love, and hope be with you all this Christmas and always. 
Best wishes 
Revd. Kimonie Nicholls 
01908-610956 07760-115834 
Assistant Curate in the Lamp Benefice 
All Saints' church is open during the day and you are welcome to visit.  
Sunday 19th January 
6:00pm Evensong 
Sunday 26th January 
11:00am Café Church 
Sunday 2nd February 2025  
6:00pm SEOS 
Sunday 9th February 
11:00am Holy Communion 
Other events you might like to come to: 
Monthly Lunches 
Following on from our very successful Lent Lunches we are now back to our usual lunches held on the first Thursday of each month in church. We will be supporting different charities each time, and all are very welcome, starting at 12.30pm.  
Every Thursday 
Our Churchyard working party on Thursday mornings is now back! Coffee is served at 11.00am for visitors and workers in the church. All are very welcome. 
All Saints' News 
For up to date Church news, please visit our Facebook page, as well as this webpage, and there will also be some posts on the WhatsApp group, Emberton Echo. 
The Diocese of Oxford magazine 
1st Sunday of the month 
6.00pm Something Else on Sunday 
An evening service with a difference. It uses video, soundtrack, and readings. This service offers a very different way to present some key biblical messages which we hope will deepen understanding and offer new perspectives. Please do give it a try.  
2nd Sunday 
11.00am Holy Communion 
A Communion Service using modern liturgy. The children meet in the Gathering Area in church for Children's Church at about 11.45am. 
6.00pm Compline 
A quiet short service of reflection to end the day. 
3rd Sunday 
6.00pm Evensong 
A Book of Common Prayer Sung Evensong with sermon. Hymns are taken from a selection of books. 
4th Sunday 
11.00am Café Church 
A Family Service in the Gathering Area at the back of the church, with a short talk suitable for all ages, together with refreshments.  
6.00pm Compline 
A quiet short service of reflection to end the day. 
Please check news and prayer leaflet for further information, or the Church Notice Board for any changes. 
To arrange Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals at All Saints’, please contact the Revd Prof Adrian Low. 
The Parochial Church Council and Friends of All Saints' encourage the use of the Church for other community events, such as concerts, theatrical evenings, workshops, etc. Please contact the PCC Secretary in the first instance. 

Contact Us 

The church is always here for you Any enquiries should go to our Priest-in-Charge, the Revd Prof Adrian Low 07883 717642, or the Churchwardens: Maddi Forrester 07769 923787, or Sheila Watts 07703 279165. 
Improvements to the Church 
Our latest improvement is the wonderful new notice board at the churchyard entrance. This has been purchased with a generous donation in memory of Ken & Elizabeth Turner, and by the Parish Council.  
All Saints’ regularly supports the MK Food Bank, the Tearfund, and Crisis at Christmas. Various charities are also supported at the monthly Thursday lunches. 
All Saints’ has an enthusiastic small choir, who lead the singing at Sunday Services. Choir members enjoy joining the Royal School of Church Music for some of their ‘Come and Sing’ events. The Choir is supported by the "Emberton Occasionals" at Weddings and special Services. For further details please contact Hilary Proud via the Rector. 
Bell Ringers 
There is an active band of bell ringers, who ring All Saints’ 6 bells before Services, and also practice on a Tuesday night 7.45 – 9.00pm. New recruits are very welcome. Please see the Bell Ringers’ page on this website, or contact Sheila Watts 07703 279165 for more information. 
Children’s Church 
The Children’s Church meets in the Gathering Area in church on the 2nd Sunday each month at 11.45am under the leadership of Maddi Forrester and Judith Taylor. See the photographs for some of their activities, and please contact Maddi Forrester, 01234 714903, for more details. 
The Homegroup meets on alternate Monday evenings to discuss various aspects of the Christian message. The group includes people from other parishes, and new members are always welcome. Please contact Judith Taylor on 01234 240690 to find out more. 
Friends of All Saints’ 
All Saints’ is supported by the Friends’ group (FOAS), who are a registered charity. They work with the Parochial Church Council to preserve and protect the fabric of the Church and Churchyard and to raise funds to assist with improvements to make the building suitable for use by the community for a wide variety of activities. Please see the FOAS page on this website. 
A Brief History of the Church 
It is believed that the building was constructed between 1340-1410. It is in the ‘Decorated Gothic’ style. Work began on the Chancel, with its magnificent east window and progressed through to the building of the tower. During this period, England was at war with France and the Black Death killed thousands of the population resulting in a shortage of skilled masons. This led to wages and prices soaring, which explains why the decoration becomes plainer on the west side of the Church. 
Unusually we have a portrait in brass of Reverend John Morden, who was the priest when the Church was completed. His brass records that he gave two bells, one of which had the inscription ‘In Multis Annis Resonet Campana Joannis’ (John’s bell shall sound for many a year). 
An interesting ‘rumour’, for which there is some corroborative evidence is that the remains of Sir Everard Digby, hung, drawn and quartered for his part in the Gunpowder Plot, lies buried in the Chancel. 
By the mid 19th Century, the Church was in danger of falling down. Very extensive restoration work was undertaken by the Reverend Campbell Hulton - many of his relations and descendants gave generously to the scheme and are commemorated in the mural tablets and windows which are such a dominant feature of the Church interior. Restoration and improvements continue to this day, with the recent addition of cloakroom and kitchen, as we strive to bring the building into the 21st Century. 
Who’s Who? 
Rector: The Revd Professor Adrian Low, The Rectory, Haversham, MK19 7DT. 07883 717642 
Curate: The Revd Kimonie Nicholls. 01908 610956, 07760 115834 
Churchwardens: Maddi Forrester, Cedar House, High Street, Emberton, MK46 5JB. 07769 923787 
Sheila Watts, 28 Gravel Walk, Emberton, MK46 5JA. 07703 279165 
Parochial Church Council Secretary: Janet Gamlen 01234 711729 
PCC Treasurer: Warwick Clarke 01234 713174 
PCC Members: Louise Cook, Candy Godber, Colin Jamieson, Bill Moody, Hilary Proud, Libby Wemyss 
Safeguarding Policy 
All Saints' operates a Safeguarding Policy, promoting a safer church. Click here for a copy of the Parish Safeguarding Policy
Safeguarding concerns? Contact Angela Laval on 01234 713979/07976 560365 or 
General Data Protection Regulations 
Please click on this link for the Data Privacy Notice 
Churchyard Regulations 
Please click on this link for the Diocese of Oxford Churchyard Regulations 
All Saint's Church Bell Ringers
All Saint's Church, Emberton
All Saint's Church Choir
All Saint's Church, Emberton